Behind the scenes at
pacific grove
"Crop steering with Trym is a night and day difference. Some of the stickiest weed we've seen yet!"
Randy Hansen / COO / Pacific Grove
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Trym now integrates with cutting-edge wireless root zone and climate sensors.
We’ve partnered with established hardware manufacturer, Aranet, to combine our experiences in cultivation software and best-in-class wireless sensor technology.
Substrate sensors give you the necessary visibility to drive the growth and results you want in your plants. Monitoring electrical conductivity (EC) and water content (WC) in the root zone ensures that your irrigation strategy is on point.
Our wireless sensors can be paired with other monitoring and control systems that integrate with Trym, creating a flexible and open system for growers
"Crop steering with Trym is a night and day difference. Some of the stickiest weed we've seen yet!"
Randy Hansen / COO / Pacific Grove
"Crop steering with Trym is a night and day difference. Some of the stickiest weed we've seen yet."
Randy Hansen / COO / Pacific Grove
Aranet utilizes high grade soil and atmospheric sensors, giving you confidence that your data is accurate. Substrate sensors are adaptable and calibrated for various grow media like rockwool and coco.
Wireless sensors are more practical in a grow facility and prevent accidents like cord cutting when performing regular plant maintenance.
The up-front cost of sensors can be prohibitive to many growers. With Trym, you can finance your equipment and stretch payments out over 18-36 months.
Immediately recognize the benefits of best-in-class hardware without the big, up-front investment.